I have deliberately avoided mentioning the “Clan Campbell” wherever I can because the issues canvassed involve personal decisions and actions of two past Earls, and them alone (stripping, destruction, looting, loss of records, etc). I don’t, and no one should, impugn the entire Clan Campbell, of any period, and all the headship (if that needs to be said at all). I’m not laying this at the feet of every Campbell clansmen who ever lived. And neither am I running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. All, or most, clans have some episodes which they’d rather forget concerning a particular past Chief, or two. And it must (again, and continue to) be widely and loudly acknowledged that many Campbell clansmen and women have made significant, valuable contributions towards Iona’s rebirth from the mid 19th century’s Iona Club, The Cathedral Trust, the Iona Community and other varied and important ways right to the present.
The chapter of the book, Earls and Dukes of Argyll and Iona Abbey, is about explaining in a transparent manner, a fuller history of Iona Abbey from 1493 by more of the known facts and dispersing the political smoke clouding the issue. The fire has gone out, but it continues to glow brightly, and warmly, in this locality. Winston Churchill : “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” Some localised heat may possibly be regenerated. Churchill also said :- “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
I have also made it clear that the chapter is much less a criticism of the 8th Duke, than a statement on other’s ‘hagiographic gloss’ on him and their thinness of cause and affect.
The 8th Duke said he listened to what Tennyson called “the two voices - a disposition to accept all received opinions with great reserve”. (Memoirs; I; p.167). A sit-down service for Clan Donald and Clan Campbell in Iona Abbey Church is something I have always thought would be cathartic. Maybe in 2013, the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Iona Community. Or better still, 2014, the 700th Anniversary of Bannockburn where we fought side by side for the freedom, the independence of Scotland with Angus Og’s mother being the daughter of Sir Colin Campbell of Lochow. And, the mother of the very last Clan Donald Lord of The Isles, Donald Dhu, was the daughter of the Earl of Argyll (there are more examples). The two clans are on very good terms today, all around the globe, and it could be organised.
If there is any place in the world where goodwill can be experienced it is on sacred Icolmkill, especially with the Iona Community and their “quiet peacemaking in our neighbourhoods and families”.
The chapter of the book, Earls and Dukes of Argyll and Iona Abbey, is about explaining in a transparent manner, a fuller history of Iona Abbey from 1493 by more of the known facts and dispersing the political smoke clouding the issue. The fire has gone out, but it continues to glow brightly, and warmly, in this locality. Winston Churchill : “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” Some localised heat may possibly be regenerated. Churchill also said :- “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
I have also made it clear that the chapter is much less a criticism of the 8th Duke, than a statement on other’s ‘hagiographic gloss’ on him and their thinness of cause and affect.
The 8th Duke said he listened to what Tennyson called “the two voices - a disposition to accept all received opinions with great reserve”. (Memoirs; I; p.167). A sit-down service for Clan Donald and Clan Campbell in Iona Abbey Church is something I have always thought would be cathartic. Maybe in 2013, the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Iona Community. Or better still, 2014, the 700th Anniversary of Bannockburn where we fought side by side for the freedom, the independence of Scotland with Angus Og’s mother being the daughter of Sir Colin Campbell of Lochow. And, the mother of the very last Clan Donald Lord of The Isles, Donald Dhu, was the daughter of the Earl of Argyll (there are more examples). The two clans are on very good terms today, all around the globe, and it could be organised.
If there is any place in the world where goodwill can be experienced it is on sacred Icolmkill, especially with the Iona Community and their “quiet peacemaking in our neighbourhoods and families”.